A new campaign has been launched by Police Scotland that aims to reduce the incidence of rape and other sexual offences

Men between the ages of 18 and 35 are the primary targets of the ‘We can stop it’ campaign, which carries the key message that sex without consent is rape.

"In 2018 in Scotland sadly there are men who think it is OK to have sex with someone who is sleeping or suffering from the effects of alcohol or drugs,” explained Assistant Chief Constable Gillian MacDonald. "We are receiving frequent reports with at least 20% of all rapes reported to Police Scotland committed in such a way.”

"Investigations carried out by Police Scotland shows that men aged between 18 -35 years are more likely to be responsible and we want to send a strong message to them that sex without consent is rape, and if the person is unable to give consent to sexual activity, for whatever reason, it is rape," she said.

"Tackling rape is a priority for Police Scotland. We are acutely aware that sexual crime is under reported, the reasons for this can be complex, however the only person responsible for such offences is the perpetrator,” she added.

If you are charged with a sexual offence of any nature, the implications are serious and wide-ranging and expert legal advice should be taken as quickly as possible.

Contact our Sexual Offences Lawyers in Paisley & Greenock

Our sexual offences solicitors in Paisley and Greenock have decades of experience in successfully representing our clients in these difficult cases. Contact us immediately if you have been charged with rape or a sexual offence for free, initial legal advice 24 hours per day.